Marie Montoya

Residential College Coordinator
Parkside Arts & Humanities Residential College


Phone: 213.514.2549

Associate’s Degree, Liberal Arts, Long Beach City College
Bachelor’s Degree, Psychology and Social Behavior & Minor in Education, University of California, Irvine
Master’s Degree, Counseling- Student Development in Higher Education, California State University, Long Beach.

Bio + Fun Facts:
Marie Montoya currently serves as a Residential College Coordinator for the Arts & Humanities Residential community. For the past 11 years she has worked throughout the P-16 pipeline and in communities such as Santa Ana, New York City, and Los Angeles county. Raised in a working-class immigrant household has fostered deeply rooted values of community, education, and equity. Through her work, she continuously strives to ensure marginalized identities are treated with dignity and respect while also creating positive and developmental experiences for all. During her down time, she appreciates memes that give her a bellyache kind of laugh, drinks iced mochas with a splash of oat milk as a pick-me-up, and enjoys playing Nintendo switch with her family.