Sally Behpoornia

Associate Director
Residential Operations


Phone: 213.740.2078

EdD, Educational Leadership, University of Southern California
MEd Postsecondary Administration & Student Affairs, University of Southern California
BA, Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara

Bio + Fun Facts:
Dr. Sally Behpoornia serves as the Associate Director for Residential Operations. She was born and raised in Southern California. Sally received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara and a Master of Education in Postsecondary Administration and Student Affairs from the USC Rossier School of Education. She completed the Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership program at USC in May 2020. Sally was both a Graduate Assistant and Residential College Coordinator with USC’s Residential Education department, and has grown to love the USC spirit and the amazing experience that comes with being a part of the Trojan Family. In her role, Sally oversees the recruitment, hiring, and training of Residential Education staff. She is involved in the Western Association of Colleges and University Housing Officers (WACUHO), recently serving on the 2019-2020 executive board. Her passion areas include leadership development, bystander intervention, and mentorship. In her free time, she enjoys hanging out with her partner and her cat Nia, attending sporting events, watching crime TV shows, and spending time with family and friends.